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Surviving the zombie API apocalypse

Don’t fall victim to a zombie API attack. Take these precautions.

In the dark corners of the digital world lie the remnants of forgotten and neglected APIs. Zombie APIs, as they’re known, are technically dead — but haven’t been properly put to rest. So, they continue to wander around and pose threats to your enterprise’s API security.

54% surface of security leaders cite zombie APIs as their biggest API security concern.

What makes zombie APIs so scary?

At one point, zombie APIs were a critical business asset. But they’ve since become outdated, forgotten, or abandoned. Yet, they can continue to exist without detection and with unpatched vulnerabilities that create entry points for cyberattacks.

31% of malicious transactions target unknown, unmanaged, and unprotected APIs.

The odds of a zombie attack are increasing

In the rapid race to advance technology, enterprises are regularly adding new APIs to their infrastructure and frequently updating and replacing them. This increases the odds that older APIs may be left behind.

75% of organizations change or update their APIs daily or weekly

4 ways to avoid the wrath of a zombie API attack

  1. Scan your network traffic with a dedicated solution. This will help you uncover zombie APIs lurking in the shadows and ensure your catalogs are up-to-date.
  2. Adopt a robust API lifecycle management strategy. Clearly define and document API deprecation policies and timelines to minimize API security flaws.
  3. Find ways to automate the deprecation process. Phasing out outdated or unused APIs becomes easier when there are fewer chances for manual errors or oversights.
  4. Set up a way to continuously monitor API activity. Real-time insights into API use patterns and performance metrics can reveal abandoned APIs.

Zombie APIs can cause big trouble for organizations.

By staying vigilant and implementing the right security measures, you can protect yourself from a zombie API outbreak, protect your data, and protect your bottom line.

Explore more powerful, simple steps you can take to improve API security.

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